Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Beginning... Again.

She is smart.  She is funny.  She is witty.  She is gorgeous.  She is impetuous.  She is undisciplined.  She is adventurous.  She is strong.  She is outspoken.  She is cavalier.  She is playful.  She is erotic.  She is athletic.  She is determined.  She is fiery.  She is nurturing.  She is loving.  She is gentle.  She is powerful.

I met Miss K as a boy, when she was just a girl.  I fell in love the moment I laid eyes on her (truly... whenever she would talk to me I was paralyzed).  Thus, began what is now a 26 year journey...  a journey full of ups and downs, endless love and maddening frustration, primal connection and forced isolation, natural synergy and raging power struggles...  And, all the while we were helpless against the universe's inevitable collision course that has become our lives...

Our youths were eerily parallel, which I'm sure played no small part in our magnetism, but also in our struggles to negotiate a lasting, intimate relationship.  We immediately identified with each other.  Innately we always knew what each other was thinking and feeling... what each other needed.  But, the pain she masked with impetuousness and the pain I masked with withdrawal prevented our growth as a couple.  We were too immature, too impatient to understand what we were truly feeling.

We dated off and on for most of our youth vacillating between inseparable and intolerable.  Eventually, our paths diverted and life happened separately.  Kids, careers, relationships...  Then, the universe conspired again...  Two years ago our lives collided once more.  It was much the same, but also different.  We tried to negotiate a relationship in the vanilla world, but were consistently challenged to find the right balance of power in our relationship.  It felt like we were characters in some Alfred Hitchcock episode of The Twilight Zone called The Definition of Insanity.

Then, an amazing thing happened.  The primal passion of our physical connection had exposed us to the world of TTWD, and we were both VERY intrigued and immediately taken by the values of the lifestyle.  One day Miss K approached me in a way she never had before.  She articulated the characteristics of our relationship, and suggested we consider a 24/7 TPE relationship.  Immediately, a calming influence transcended our lives.  We knew something was different now; something was VERY right.  A short time later she asked if I would take her as my sub; if I would be her Dom.  As a contemplative, calculating, serious, yet compassionate and passionate man, I was surprised at how little time it took for me to intuitively and naturally grasp the situation.  I accepted without hesitation.  I knew it was my purpose.  Now she is my property, my princess, my treasure, my caretaker, my whore; I'm her guardian, her teacher, her stability, her caretaker... her King; now we are happy... balanced...  We have never felt so compatible and constructive.

Miss K will be collared soon, and she deserves it...  and a proper spanking followed by a thorough fucking, and cum-filled pussy.

I am her King.  She is my Miss.

Nice to meet you.  I hope you will enjoy our journey with us, and we might learn from yours as well.

--King IV


  1. Welcome and good luck on your journey.

  2. Hey there!! My name is Belle:) It is so very nice to meet you:)

    I saw your comment on Sir J's blog and then Sir J also suggested that we come to your little corner and visit:) So,here I am and I just wanted to say....."Welcome welcome welcome to blogland!!" :):):)

    Good luck on your journey, King IV, and I am looking forward to reading more about you and your Miss:)


    1. Miss Belle,

      Thank you for your kind welcome. I enjoy your blog as well. You remind me of Miss K in your playful and animated ways.

      Enjoy. I look forward to further shares...

      King IV
